JUST LISTED 58-996-09671 256-996 9144 33s u 164 -996.33 256-936.0003 718 SOUTHERN PROPERTIEs MLS#1099363-Mentone . S36500 Country Seting full Bathroom home Built in 2014 with one ownerl Offering n open floor plan with a spit bedioom design Mary upscale touthes to indlude a wood buning freplace at can heat you nirehome through the derteal unit duct work, full stainless steed applance padkage, cown molding, tile fooring securty systen and a huge saie to name a fewl With views and access to a we toded pond you're getting the best of both wordd Move right n and call it home, all the worki&done for you! Extas indludóe Propane Hot wate Heate Gis Stove, Centpalunitelctric Agency, Inc. 311 Gault Avenue North, Fort Payne, AL 35967| 256-845-6000 SouthernPropertiesAgency.com f