VULCRAFT GROUP partnenhipwith the Seate of Alsbamathar alliouiov to continuc our kgasy of excellenec. In2018, Nucor htda rooced earnings yeat. As we say at Necor, we share the pain in dows markets and share the ghin in the good times. Our strong yearallowed us to give each ofour eammates (endiding he erecutive teim) an ertraordinary tenus of$200 It d not matter ifa teammate had been vith us for 40 yrans or I day everyone recrired this boras. For our Vuleraft faciity,thiv mrant that ovrr half a million dellan vis insufith ected imo the sarrounding commenitie. A great Erinh to great yeri We tre striving to repet this perfornance in 2019. Thanks to each ofeur 307 ulcraftteammates for being thetardest werking team in the indastry and more SAFETY FIRST We are celetrating five handred eighty two days withou incidlent. Safery is the Erst stepin cery proist. Herr Vulcrafi Alabams,our most important goal is to send cvery teammate home safe to rheir famiy each day NUCOR of eur "Giving to the Community in which we live and Work In each person beats a direct Theough the years we have come up with diffctent ways to approach this task, some of those include daily toelbos meetings, monthly sadety meetings, or weekly leadership meetings discussing Safety Bar the main ingredicns is that our eeam truly cares about safety and one another. Our teammates are our greatest asset by fat. We currently use the slogan-ONE FAMILY ONE FOCUS- ONE FUTURE. One pesen can do great things, but One team can do anythinggreat This very atxitude began years ago and has continaed to grow throughoun the years. Another accomplishment our ceam has made is being necertified as an OSHA Volustary Protection Plan ite in20 í s. VPP recognize, Employers and workers who kne implemented effective safety healch andeanagementsystems. Animpornantpart of being VPP sie is working with OSHA to make other workplaces safe, Several of our teammaces are recognized as Special Government Employees, and chcy travel and serve as assistanes on VPP evaluatioms of ocher companies cach year. Teammates aso undetstand the importance of taking safety home and are encouraged to take safety supplies home with them if they need it for any eason. Vulcraft has recescly donated safety supglies to local churches, as well as other small groups, to introduce the inportance of afety to children at a young age 2018-2019 The annual Noce Alabama Charity Classic benehiting the pients of Children's of William Dener Smikh 04/16 01/13/2019 Alabama podiatrk hospital is a caome that all Darrl Brown 07/22/1985-01 12/5019 in Alabama come togetherKcnncth Rupi /16/1987-01/05/2019 to support. In addition to this event we cellect Playdough and Crayons for Childrens of Alabama throughout the year. Alan Quinn Cain bell 07,22/1985-27/201S Gary Wiver 0/21/1988-0/282018 Robore Walloch 5/15/2000-07/14/2018 One of our largest community involvement drives was The Crayon Initiative. They take crayons and melt them down into new crayees to donase to Children's Hospitals across the nation. The 1,392 poands of crayons Vuleraft collected from twelive local schools will make almou 8000 oew packs of cuyeas for kids Rabore Cole 10/07/194-03/1S 2019 Crayon Our team supports ether charities such as Relay for Life and our ocal Children's Advocacy. Wie are proud sgonsos of our local Righ Schools plas numerous SK eveees bencliting our 8th Annual OHN WOODALL MEMORIAL BASS TOURNAMENT The Bait, Tackle and Gaillat Gooepond-Scott boro, Alabama April 20, 2019 Amateur Fisherman Only NO GUIDES! NUCOR VULCRAFT GROUP